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Mandarin Syrup Cake

240630 Mandarin Cake Capture 518 RET WEB

Mandarin Syrup Cake


300g Mandarins

260g Caster Sugar

165ml Canola Oil

3 Eggs

1t Vanilla essence

285g White Flour

3t Baking Powder



1c Mandarin juice

1c sugar


Heat oven to Bake160˙c and line a 20cm springform cake tin

Wash mandarins and roughly cut into pieces leaving skin on but removing any seeds.

Place in a blender or Nutribullet with oil, vanilla essence and sugar and blend into a fine paste or until skin looks finely grated.

Place mandarin mixture into a bowl and whisk in eggs and sugar.

Whisk in flour and baking powder till mixed through but don't overmix.

Bake for 60mins or until when poked with a skewer it comes out clean.


10mins before cake is ready prepare the syrup.

Combine the mandarin juice and sugar in pot. Bring to the boil and then reduce to a simmer. Simmer for 5mins till slightly thickened. It will thicken more when it cools.


Once cake is cooked poke 10 -15 holes into it with a skewer and drizzle half the syrup onto it once soaked in your can add the rest or leave some for later drizzling over slices.

Leave in tin to cool.