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Pasta Meatballs 261 WEB

Beef and Ricotta Meatballs


500g Beef Mince

250g Ricotta

50g Parmesan grated

1/2c fresh breadcrumbs (2 slices of bread blended to breadcrumbs)

1 t dried herbs such as mixed herbs, oregano, basil (Can use fresh too)

1 medium onion finely chopped

2 Garlic cloves minced

1 Egg

Salt and pepper



Tomato Sauce


700ml Passata or 2 cans of diced tomatoes

1 t Mixed Herbs or oregano

3 Garlic cloves minced

100g Basil (a good bunch)

1 medium onion finely chopped

1 glass Red wine

1T Sugar (optional and to taste)

1 splash Worcester Sauce

Salt and pepper


To make the sauce heat olive oil in a pot and cook onions till soft over a medium heat. Add garlic and mixed herbs and cook for a further minute. Pour in red wine and cook till just the alcohol burns off.

Add passata or canned tomatoes, Worcester sauce, sugar, salt and pepper

Add half the basil leaves torn in pieces and simmer sauce till slightly thickened and full of flavour about 20mins.


In the meantime prepare the meatballs.

Combine meatball ingredients and roll into balls about 1 heaped tablespoon worth.

Heat olive in a fry pan and cook meatballs so they are brown on all sides. You may have to do this in batches. Set aside.


Add the cooked meatballs to the sauce and cook till meatballs are cooked inside.

Sprinkle with fresh basil.


Serve with spaghetti or fresh crusty bread and parmesan